Wells-Shipman-Ward House, Historical Society of Glastonbury, Glastonbury Historical Society

Historical Society of Glastonbury

History Happened Here

The Historical Society of Glastonbury preserves, interprets and educates in order to promote and share the ever evolving history of Glastonbury to connect our community with our present and our past.

Our mission is to promote community activity and interest in Glastonbury’s heritage through publications, exhibits and programs and shall acquire, maintain and preserve historical properties and materials for education and research.

Apr 16
Children/Teen Classes

Colonial Crafting for Teens and Tweens

9 am to 12 pm
Museum on the Green
more information
Apr 27
Cooking Class

Open Hearth Cooking Class

12 pm to 3 pm
Welles-Shipman-Ward Property
more information

Visit Our Historic Sites

Welles-Shipman-Ward Property

The 1755 River Valley Mansion has been preserved in its original colonial style and has one of the largest colonial era hearth fireplaces in Connecticut.

Museum On The Green

Museum exhibits cover the town’s history from the First Peoples who resided here, the Wangunk people, through the arrival of the Colonists, 19th Century Immigration from European Countries, through the history of the mid-20th Century.

Welles-Chapman Tavern

Joseph Welles was a well-known colonial era tavern owner. He built his home on the Country Road (Main Street) and in 1796, he was granted a license to operate a tavern there.

Become Involved

The Historical Society of Glastonbury relies on donors and members to provide operating support so that we may continue to highlight the history, people, events, and important buildings and businesses that make up the diverse history of Glastonbury. We do this by adding to our collection, repairing and maintaining our historic buildings, and offering programs and events that present our history in an interesting and informative manner to residents and guests.

See What We’ve Been Up To

THE Tag Sale dates announced; will be collecting donations beginning in August!

Our annual takeover of the Welles-Shipman-Ward property scheduled for September 26 to 28, 2025 is being planned now, and we will begin collecting your gently used items in August.  We …

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Pay It Forward Results!

Successful Inaugural Pay It Forward Event   Many thanks to the community for their generous donations to the HSG & GPIP Food Drive on Sunday, October 13th. The Glastonbury Food …

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Glastonbury Men Who Served
in The Revolutionary War

In colonial times, all able-bodied freemen between the ages of 16 and 60 were required to train with their town’s militia. These men were part-time, non-professional fighters who had to provide their own weapons when they trained and their own clothing and food if they were away.  

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