Our beautiful historic property in South Glastonbury is available for weddings, parties, family gatherings, and small groups. Our Museum on the Green may also be rented for small gatherings or events.

Welles-Shipman-Ward Property
The Welles-Shipman-Ward property features a 1755 River Valley Mansion built for John and Jerusha Welles after their marriage. The house has been preserved in its original colonial style and has one of the largest colonial era hearth fireplaces in Connecticut. The outbuildings on the property include a four-story colonial era New England bank barn, a 19th century tobacco shed and an 18th century privy which originally served the patrons of the Moseley Tavern in Glastonbury.
We offer numerous events each year at the property and welcome the public to attend. For a list of upcoming events, please click here. The property is also available to rent for weddings, bridal showers, corporate events, family reunions, etc.
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Museum on the Green
The Museum on the Green is located at 1944 Main Street (the corner of Hubbard and Main Streets). The Museum is open on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Museum exhibits cover the town’s history from the First Peoples who resided here for thousands of years, the Wangunk people, through the arrival of the Colonists, Slavery and Abolition, 19th Century Immigration from European Countries through the history of the mid-20th Century.
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Welles-Chapman Tavern
In Glastonbury, Joseph Welles was a well-known colonial era tavern owner. He built his home on the Country Road (Main Street) and in 1796, he was granted a license to operate a tavern there. In 1808, Azel Chapman purchased the Welles home and continued to offer meals and lodging at the tavern. He charged 50 cents for supper, bed and breakfast.
The tavern closed later in the 1800’s, but the building still stands. It was purchased and moved by the Historical Society in 1974 from its original location, where TD Bank is today, to its current location on Main Street near the corner of Hebron Avenue. The Welles-Chapman Tavern is now home to RiverBend Bookstore and the River Valley Chamber of Commerce.
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