
Exploring Our Collections - Unearthing The Treasures In Our Cupboards
Most museums can only display about 5% of their collections in the exhibits. For 2024 we will be creating revolving exhibits which put showcase important items in our collections which we do normally have the space to highlight.

Walk This Way – Shoes and Bags in Our Collection

Location: Museum on the Green

As part of our new revolving exhibit “Unearthing The Treasures In Our Cupboards,” we are displaying some of the more beautiful and interesting shoes and bags in collection. There are beaded silk pumps worn by a Glastonbury bride more than 100 years ago, children’s shoes mended repeatedly and worn by many siblings and shoes and a bag that traveled out west with a Glastonbury resident in the 1800’s. Come in and see the latest treasures we have found in our vast collection!

Victorian Finery

Location: Museum on the Green

Opening: July 15, 2024

Our Curatorial Department has unearthed a stunning array of Victorian-era clothing, hats, bags and finery from our collection. The fashionable, detailed gowns, fabrics, laces, ribbons and bonnets will be displayed from July 15 to August 31 and are a stunning example of how our small-town Glastonbury residents kept up with the styles and fashions of the time.

Past Exhibits

Victorian Christmas Treasures

Location: Museum on the Green

The Victorian era coincided with the Reign of Queen Victoria in England from 1837 to 1901. There were great advances in science, art and industry. For children, handmade local toys began to give way to mass produced items that were relatively inexpensive, but made from hardy materials that meant that many lasted for several generations, including those we have on display at the Museum.

Ukranians Americans In Glastonbury

The Ukrainian American community in Glastonbury put together this temporary exhibit for our museum. It featured information and items brought to American by Ukrainian families who emigrated to America in the 20th century.