Glastonbury Men Who Served
in The Revolutionary War

Glastonbury Men Who Served
in The Revolutionary War

In colonial times, all able-bodied freemen between the ages of 16 and 60 were required to train with their town’s militia. The main focus of local militias was to protect their town or colony. They would only be called to fight when the area was threatened and could otherwise remain at home farming or operating their businesses. These men were part-time, non-professional fighters who had to provide their own weapons when they trained and their own clothing and food if they were away.

When the Revolutionary War began, the militias formed the fighting force of the first battles. It soon became obvious that there was a need for a full-time, professional army to fight England, the most powerful nation in the world, and the Continental Army was created. Colonial militias continued to exist and provided support to the Continental Army. Men who wished to support the cause could either join their local militia or the Continental Army.

The newly formed Continental Army was composed of men from all of the American colonies.  The troops moved where they were needed up and down the eastern seaboard.  They were provided with uniforms, food, weapons, and training. Initially, men who enlisted were required to serve for one year, but it was later expanded to a three-year requirement.

The list below shows men from Glastonbury who served during the Revolutionary War, whether they were in the militia or Continental Army. Some served in both.  It is estimated that a total of 231,000 men in the American colonies served in the Continental Army. More than 375 men from Glastonbury served in either the militia or the Continental Army during the war.

The Continental Army was fully integrated, with nearly 6,600 people of color serving, many earning freedom from enslavement.  Connecticut Revolutionary War records, in fact, do not generally mention the race of the person serving.  However, by 1792, Congress passed a law that barred all people of color from enlisting in the army.   President Lincoln changed this law in 1862 to allow people of color to serve in the military in segregated units.  That law remained in place until 1948 when the administration of President Truman signed an executive order desegregating the armed forces.

Regiment (Continental Army)

Column AColumn BColumn C
Alger, Ashbel Goodrich, WaitPease, Samuel 
Andrews, Benjamin Grover, Phineas, Capt.Perce, Phillip
Andrews, Charles Hale, BenjaminPlummer, Ebenezer
Andrews, Charles, Jr.Hale, DanielPotter, Edward
Andrews, SolomonHale, David Pratt, Daniel - Drummer
Baley, Aaron Hale, Elizur, DoctorPratt, Samuel 
Baxter, DavidHale, GideonPrice, Samuel
Bell, Elizur Hale, Jonathan,Capt.Pulsifer, Sylvester
Benton, Ebenezer Hale, Jonathan, 2ndRice, Samuel
Benton, Edward, Serj.Hale, JosiahRisley, Benjamin 
Benton, Isaiah Hale, Newport (Af Am)Risley, Charles
Benton, Josiah, Jr. Hale, Samuel Risley, Job, Sgt.
Beuell, Joseph Hale, TheodoreRisley, Reuben 
Bidwell, EphraimHale, Timothy, Capt.Risley, Thomas 
Bidwell, Hezekiah Hayard, Benjamin, P.O.W.Scott, Adonijah 
Bidwell, Jonathan Hill, Benjamin Scott, Ebenezer
Bidwell, Joseph Hill, DanielSeartes, Gidien 
Bidwell, Joseph, 2nd Hill, Elijah Sellew, John 
Bigelow, DavidHill, NathanSellew, Phillip 
Blish, David Hill, RussellSharp, Joseph 
Brace, Jonathan Hill, Samuel, Jr.Shipman, Reuben, P.O.W.
Brewer, Israel Hodge, BenjaminShipman, Stephen
Brooks, DavidHodge, Benjamin, Jr.Simbo, (Sambo), Prince 
Brooks, Elijah P.O.W.Hodge, ElijahSimons, Joseph
Brooks, ElizurHodge, JohnSkinner, Abraham, Jr.
Brooks, Joel Hodge, John, Jr.Skinner, Ezekiel 
Brooks, John Holcomb, Ebenezer (Both militia and regiment)Skinner, Richard
Brooks, Samuel Holcomb, John (Both militia and regiment)Smith, Asaph 
Brooks, ThomasHolden, AmosSmith, Benjamin, Sgt.
Brooks, Thomas, Jr.Holden, JohnSmith, Benoni
Camp, Abiathar, (From N.H.)Hollister, Abraham, Jr.Smith, David
Canada, David, Sgt.Hollister, ElishaSmith, Elijah
Case Rufus Hollister, GeorgeSmith, Isaac
Chamberlain, Benjamin Hollister, Gideon, Lieut.Smith, Jeduthan 
Chamberlain, Daniel Hollister, Gideon, Jr.Smith, Samuel 
Chamberlain, Richard Hollister, JonathanSmith, William 
Chamberlain, William Hollister, JosephSmithas, (Smithers) William
Chapman, Amasa Hollister, NathanielSparks, Reuben
Chapman, JonahHollister, NehemiahStevens, Benjamin - Served in both the Regiment and Militia
Churchill, JosephHollister, PlennyStevens, Elijah 
Coleman, Asaph (Doctor)Hollister, Stephen Stevens, Jonathan 
Conley (Conlee), JohnHollister, Theodore Stevens, Timothy 
Covel, Elijah Hollister, Thomas, Jr.Stevens, William 
Covel, JonathanHolmes, AppletonStratton, John 
Covel, Phillip Holmes, William, (Also served in the Navy)Strickland, Jonathan
Covel, SamuelHotchkins, JohnStrickland, Nehemiah
Crary, Richard House, Benoni Strickland, Simeon 
Cross, John House, Elazarus Talcott, Asa 
Cunningham, DennisHouse, JonathanTalcott, Elisha
Daniel, DavidHouse, WilliamTalcott, Elizur - Also served as a Colonel in the Militia
Daniels, SamuelHowe, Elisha Talcott, Elizur, Jr.
De Wolf, Aaron Howe, JohnTalcott, Joseph, Lieut.
De Wolf, Benone Hubbard, EleazerTalcott, Nathaniel 
Dealing, SamuelHubbard, Elijah Talcott, Nathaniel, Jr., 
Densmore, WilliamHubbard, Ephraim Talmadge, William - P.O.W.
Dibol, Aaron (also served in the militia)Hubbard, HezekiahTaylor, Jonathan 
Dibol, DanHunt, Thomas Taylor, Reuben 
Dickinson, DavidHuxford, HenryTaylor, Theodore 
Dickinson, David, Jr.Huxford, Peter Treat, Gersham 
Dickinson, Nathan Jones, LemuelTreat, Isaac 
Dickinson, ThomasJopp, John Treat, John 
Doane, SethKilborn, JosephTryon, Benjamin 
Dougharty, JamesLamb, Joseph Tryon, Benjamin, Jr.
Dutton, William P.O.W.Lindsley, Felix Tryon, Elizur 
Finley, John Loveland, Asa Tryon, Ezra 
Follen, John Loveland, DavidTryon, Ezra, Jr.
Foster, Peter (Af Am)Loveland, David, Jr.Tryon, Isaac 
Fox, AmosLoveland, Elisha Tryon, Joseph 
Fox, Asa Loveland, Elizur Tubbs, Ezekie
Fox, EbenezerLoveland, Gad Webster, John 
Fox, IsaacLoveland, Isaac Webster, Jonathan 
Fox, IsraelLoveland, Joel Webster, Joshua, Sgt.
Fox, John Loveland, Jonathan Welden, Jabez 
Fox, Jonah Loveland, Lazarus Welden, Peleg 
Fox, Richard Loveland, Levi Welles, George 
Fox, StephenLoveland, PelatiahWelles, Isaac 
Fox, ThoasLoveland, Solomon Welles, John 
Fox, William Loveland, Thomas Welles, Jonathan, Esquire, Capt.
Freebody, London (Af Am)Loveland, Thomas, Jr.Welles, Thaddeus, Jr.
Freeman, Samson (Af Am)Matson, AmosWetherel, Benjamin
Fuller, BarnabasMatson, Amos, Jr.Wheeler, Lazarus 
Gains, JonathanMiller, Abijah Wickham, Hezekiah 
Gains, Levi Miller, John, Jr.Wilson, Peleg
Gains, NathanielMiller, MatthewWoodbridge Howell, Col.,
Gibson, SamuelMiller, WilliamWoodbridge Theodore 
Goff, AaronMorley, Dimick Wright, Eleazer 
Goodale, EbenezerMorley, John, P.O.W.Wright, Hezekiah 
Goodale, Elisha Morley, Timothy Wright, James 
Goodale, Isaac Moseley, Isaac, DoctorWright, Jeremiah 
Goodale, JosephMoseley, John Wright, John, Also served in the Militia
Goodale, Joseph, Jr.Moseley, Joseph, Capt.Wright Samuel 
Goodrich, DavidMoseley, Syphax (Af Am) (Also known as Siphax Freeman) Aka Cifax Wyar, John 
Goodrich, David, 2ndMoseley, WilliamWyar, Nehemiah
Goodrich, Elisha Nicholson, AmbroseWyllis, Ephraim 
Goodrich, ElizurPease, Jonathan Wyllis, John
Goodrich, Jehiel Pease, LemuelWyres Elias – Also served in the Militia
Goodrich, JohnPease, Peter, Sgt.


Column AColumn BColumn C
Andrews, David Hildreth, WilliamQuam, John (Wangunk Native American)
Andrews, John Hollister, AaronReed, Benjamin
Andrews, JosephHollister, AmosScott, Joseph 
Benton, Josiah Hollister, David -  DrummerScott, Moses 
Bidwell, Thomas Hollister, JohnShepherd, William, Jr. 
Brooks, Josiah, CorporalHollister, JosiahShipman, Stephen, Jr.
Brooks, LeviHollister, RoswellSmith, Elisha
Case, JohnHollister, Thomas, Lieut.Smith, Richard
Case, Reuben House, SamuelStevens Epaphras
Churchill, JesseHoward, BenjaminStevens, Thomas, Corporal
Cole, David Howe, John, Jr.Stocking, George, Sgt
Colebert, RobertHubbard, Aaron, Sgt.Stocking, George, Jr. 
Covel, ElishaHubbard, David Stocking, Hezekiah
Eddy, JohnHubbard, Elizur, Capt.Stocking, Nathaniel
Fox, AbrahamHubbard, JosephStratton, Samuel
Fox, DavidHubbard, Josiah Strickland, Stephen 
Fox, HoseaHunter, BenjaminStrickland, Stephen, Jr.
Fox, JeduthanHuxford, John Talcott, Abraham, Capt.
Fox, LemuelKimberley, ThomasTalcott, George 
Fox, RussellLoomis, JosiahTalcott, Jonathan 
Fox, SamuelLoveland, Lot, Jr.Talcott, Oliver 
Fox, SimeonMaden, JamesTaylor, Azariah 
Gains, JohnMatson, ThomasTaylor, David, Sgt.
Gilbert, IchabodMcDowel, Alexander – Served in both militia and regiment, he was hung as deserter Taylor, Samuel
Gillet, JohnMcLean, James, P.O.W., EscapedTennent, Caleb
Goodale, AsaMeril, JaredTryon, Thomas
Goodrich, GeorgeMiles, DanielTubbs, Lemuel
Goodrich, IsaacMorley, ThomasWeaver, Jonathan 
Goodrich, IsraelNedan, AnthonyWelles, Samuel, Capt., P.O.W.
Goodrich, RoswellNickerson, FrancisWelles, Samuel, Jr.
Goodrich, Stephen, Lieut.Noulding, Samuel Welles, Thaddeus
Griffin, Matthew – Served in both Militia and Regiment, AbscondedNowiden, SamuellWickham, John
Hale, Benjamin, Jr.Nye, David Woodruff, Martin 
Hale, Elisha, Col.Nye, Melatiah, Sgt.Wright, Daniel 
Hale, Timothy, Jr.Olcott, IsaacWyar, James
Hale, WilliamPerring, Stephen

Served, but it is not clear if in the Militia or Army

Column AColumn BColumn C
Acklens, Cuffe (Af Am) (Also know as Cuff Aklin)House, GeorgeSmith, Jedidiah
Brewer, ThomasHouse, JoelSmith, Jonathan
Couch, StevenHouse, LasarusStacy, Malow
Cox, HoseaHubbard, DanielStephens, Elisha
Eddy, LeviusHubbard, Jonathan Stephens, James
Foriss, Peter (This could be Peter Foster)Hull, AsehelStevens, Josiah
Fox, AsaJohnson, JohnStevens, Peter
Goodrich, WilliamLockwood, William, ReverendTalcott, Frary
Goslee, AsaLoveland, DanielTaylor, Asahel
Goslee, TimothyLucas, IsraelTreat, Jonathan - Drummer
Hale, IsaacLumis, JosiahTryon, William
Hale, MatthewMarks, AbishaTurner, William
Hills, IsraelMcCulpin, AlexanderWaisley, George
Hills, JosephMiller, JohnWard, Aaron
Hills, SamuelMiller, JosephWebster, Ashbel
Hodge, LeviMorley DanielWelles, Joseph
Holden, JonathanNichalson, NathanielWelles, William
Hollister, ElijahNorwash, JohnWelles, William, Jr.
Hollister, InnittPeters, WilliamWood, Timothy
Hollister, Israel, SgtPratt, David
House, BenjaminScott, Thomas


Column AColumn B
Bidwell, Samuel C., Sgt.Welles, William C., Navy


Column AColumn B
Hollister, Giles, Privateer Capt.Temple, Joseph Privateer Capt., also served in the Militia
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